Our commitment

CEO statement

Our commitment to sustainability

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to bring unprecedented challenges to societies and businesses across the world. Looking back at 2021, we can conclude that AAK managed to deliver strong progress despite these challenges. We have stayed true to our commitments, we are playing our part in transforming the industry, and we are making a positive impact towards a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world.

AAK’s purpose, Making Better Happen™, guides us and brings a holistic approach to the way we think and act as an organization and how we work with sustainability. 

Progressing on our commitments during 2021

We drive our sustainability work within three areas: Better Sourcing, Better Operations, and Better Solutions.

Better sourcing

We have progressed on our commitment to protect biodiversity and embedding human rights by increasing our purchases of verified deforestation-free palm oil by 34 percent to 67 percent, and we assessed 100 percent of countries of origin to identify and create action plans on salient human rights issues. 

Better operations

We are committed to the Science Based Targets initiative, representing an important move that impacts our investment decisions. In February 2022, we decided on a SEK 500 million investment in two biomass boilers at our production site in Aarhus. This initiative will reduce the site’s CO2 emissions by approximately 90 percent. We also decreased our waste intensity and water consumption per processed unit by 18.6 and 20.9 percent, respectively. 

Better solutions

We have an important role to plan in the transformation to a more sustainable food system as we provide plant-based oils and fats solutions that enable our customers to deliver better and more sustainable products to consumers. A good example is the solutions we provide to the fast-growing industry that focuses on plant-based alternatives to animal-based products. During 2021, we have seen progress both for our plant-based food solutions and our solutions for sustainable candles, demonstrating a bright future for our renewable alternatives to animal- and fossil-based ingredients.

The transformation journey

AAK is well advanced on a journey of transformation, in which we drive positive change and impact by playing an active role in the transition from fossil-and animal-based raw materials to plant-based alternatives. We make better happen from plant to brand together with our suppliers, people, partners, and customers. This work is performed every day by dedicated people, and I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of them. 

Together, we continue to build an even stronger and more sustainable AAK, with the ambition to make an even better impact on the world. 

Johan Westman, President and CEO